With the increasing level of industrial electrification, large-scale industrial power systems are becoming common. Our technology offers a robust and pervasive approach to protection and condition monitoring for transmission and distribution grids.
Railways, for example, rely upon complex power networks spanning vast distances, where availability and safe optimisation of capacity are critical to the economy on a national scale. Much of the critical infrastructure in these networks is in remote and inaccessible locations, making manual or periodic inspection inefficient, expensive, and unsafe. Automating the monitoring and inspection of these networks and their distributed assets is vital to avoiding failures and outages which reduce capacity and impact revenues.
Get in touch

Saul Matthews
VP Global Sales
Our technlogy
Synaptec technology can safely and quickly retrofit anywhere without needing power supplies or data networks to instrument Overhead Line Equipment (OLE), the power cables connecting them, neutral sections, track, and signalling equipment. This automation releases engineering resources, improves safety, and requires no track possessions, while optimising network capacity by reducing outages and delays.

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Rail infrastructure monitoring
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