Multi-ended circuit protection with SSEN, UK

To facilitate new grid connections from renewable generation schemes in remote locations, and to overcome the limitations of distance protection in multi-terminal circuits, SSEN deployed Synaptec systems to instrument a three-ended multi-terminal 275 kV circuit over a radius of around 50 km. This enables a wide-area, and fully digital, unit protection scheme that is resilient to loss-of-sync and requires active electronics at only one location. IEC 61850 interoperability was demonstrated between Synaptec and protection equipment provided by ABB, GE, and SEL.

Equipment installed: DES Interrogator and Photonic Current Transducers | Communication protocol: IEC 61850-9-2 | Live since: 2020

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Business Development
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Tel:  +46 70 630 6800

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Tel: +91 73855 41604

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