Export cable condition monitoring with Vattenfall, UK

Synaptec was commissioned to retrofit the dual export cables of Vattenfall’s Aberdeen Bay offshore windfarm to provide synchronous and permanent harmonic monitoring and termination health monitoring. The ability to correlate electrical and mechanical information in one real-time system enables Vattenfall to identify far earlier the electrical stresses which accelerate cable insulation and termination failures by comparing harmonic content, phase current amplitudes, and termination temperatures over time.

Equipment installed: DES Interrogators, Synthesis®, Photonic Current Transducer and Photonic Temperature Transducer | Communication protocol: IEC 61850-9-2 | Live since: 2021

Get in touch

Saul Matthews

VP Global Sales

Tel: +44 (0)7525 298 808

Chris Conway

Condition Monitoring Specialist

Tel: +44 (0)7826 851 689